
Showing posts from August, 2017

Week One

When I walked in the door of school on Tuesday morning for my first day of student teaching, I was nervous.  I had gone through the Trinity Christian College Education program and done well in all classes.  I had met with my cooperating teacher the previous week, at which time she gave me a lot of information and answered every question I had.  Though I walked into school on Tuesday morning teeming with information, I was still unsure that I would be able to successfully undertake the critical task of turning my knowledge into action.  The cure for this nervousness and lack of confidence was jumping in with two feet.  The most important thing that happened in my first week was teaching the second graders procedures.  Through a combination of verbally explaining, physically modeling, repeating, and in some cases visually representing with words and/or pictures, my cooperating teacher and I taught the nineteen second graders in our class how life works i...