Week Six

This week I added language arts to my teaching load. This is the subject I have been dreading. Math is pretty cut and dry. There is generally one concept or objective that we are working on for each period. The plan is to do a whole group lesson followed by guided math groups and independent practice. I can get creative in guided math lessons (i.e. games, activities, manipulatives, etc.) However, the curriculum and standards are straightforward, and I see a path through them. The lessons build upon each other in a flow. In social studies, my district has six-week curriculum units including lesson plans that I am expected to follow. There is some leeway here too, but because of the big project that all second graders have to do at my school at the end of each unit, much of what I need to do is mapped out and the common assessments are dictated by the curriculum. So I can see the path in social studies too. Language arts, on...