Week 15

I passed the edTPA. I am not even excited. I am simply tremendously relieved. I have a lot of substitute teaching prospects coming up, which is what I want right now. I would like to have some flexibility in my schedule, as I have not been a very good and present mom to my own children over the past four months. It will be nice to be able to chaperone a field trip or volunteer at their school occasionally. I am excited to have a job interview on Tuesday for a part time teaching assistant position at a local Catholic school. It is a pull-out/push-in, extra help kind of situation. The details are a little fuzzy, but I will learn more at the interview. I will be working with small groups and kids from second and third grade that need extra help two full days per week. This is perfect, as I will be available to sub on the other days at other schools. The assistant principal said that there will a maternity leave at the en...